
2006-04-17   网络

我们在安装系统的时候不选择安装IIS,等系统安装完成后手动来做,我们可以使用无人值守的方式自定义安装IIS 5.0。首先确认你的 Windows 2000的安装介质是可用的,本例中的安装介质是光盘,因此只要将安装光盘插入光驱即可,然后在你的硬盘或者软盘上创建一个无人值守安装文件,本例中我们将在D盘创建一个 IIS5install.txt 作为无人值守安装文件,下面我们看看该文件的内容:
  [Components] 所安装的组件
  iis_common = on 公用文件
  iis_inetmgr = on IIS管理器
  iis_www = on WWW服务
  iis_ftp = on FTP服务
  iis_htmla = on Web方式的IIS管理器
  Path="D:inetsrv" Common文件放置位置(如果你是卸载了IIS再手动装,公用文件还是会位置保持不变)
  PathFTPRoot="D:inetPubFTPRoot" FTP的根路径
  PathWWWRoot="D:InetPubwwwroot" WWW的根路径
  将该文件存盘后,运行“sysocmgr /i:%windir%infsysoc.inf /u:d:iis5install.txt”,
  ;This is an example Unattended installation file
  ;IIS, MTS, and Index Server are ON
  ;Target Path should be new directory
  ;Adminpassword is blank.
  Unattendmode = FullUnattended
  OemPreinstall = NO
  TargetPath = *
  Filesystem = LeaveAlone
  FullName = "Your User Name"
  OrgName = "Your Organization Name"
  ComputerName = "ComputerName"
  TimeZone = "004"
  AdminPassword = *
  AutoLogon = Yes
  AutoMode = "PerServer"
  AutoUsers = "0"
  BitsPerPel = 4
  XResolution = 800
  YResolution = 600
  VRefresh = 70
  InstallDefaultComponents = YES
  JoinWorkgroup = Workgroup
  ;Turns NT Components (and their respective sections) ON or OFF
  iis_common = on
  iis_inetmgr = on
  iis_www = on
  iis_ftp = on
  iis_htmla = on
  iis_doc = on
  iis_pwmgr = on
  iis_smtp = on
  iis_smtp_docs = on
  mts_core = on
  msmq = off
  terminalservices = off
  reminst = off
  certsrv = off
  rstorage = off
  indexsrv_system = on
  certsrv_client = off
  certsrv_server = off
  certsrv_doc = off
  ;Without these keys specified IIS will use the default settings
  ; Note that the Path is location for INETSRV, the core IIS programs and files.
  PathFTPRoot=E:InetpubFtproot PathWWWRoot=E:InetpubWwwroot


下一篇:Win 2000远程控制的3种安全解决方法

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